Medicare Advantage

Medicare Part C is also commonly known as Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage is a plan that combines Medicare Part A and B coverage, and may even provide prescription drug coverage as well as other additional benefits. These additional benefits may include coverage for dental care, vision treatments, and hearing devices. If you want an all-in-one package offering everything Original Medicare does plus more, this can be the plan for you.

Before Enrolling

Before enrolling, you need to:

  • Have Medicare Part A and Part B
  • Pay Part A and Part B premiums to keep the policy

You cannot have a Medicare Advantage plan and a Medicare Supplement plan at the same time.

You can join a Medicare Advantage plan during these times:

  • Initial Enrollment Period (Includes the month of your 65th birthday, the three months before it, and the three months after it)
  • Annual Election Period (October 15 – December 7)

Types of Plans

Medicare Advantage gives you options to choose from depending on your preferences. Each follows the same principle, but has unique core features.

The types are:

  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
  • Medicare Savings Account (MSA)
  • Special Needs Plan (SNP)
  • Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS)


HMO plans are the least expensive and most basic of all plans. Many come with built-in prescription plans

These plans:

  • Do not provide out-of-network coverage
  • Require choosing a primary care physician
  • Require referrals to see specialists


Here, you have a network, but you save more by seeing specific providers within the network.

These plans:

  • Cover out-of-network treatment at higher costs
  • Have no requirements for primary care physician selection
  • Do not require specialist referrals

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High deductible and operates like a savings account. Your plan deposits funds into this account, which you can use to pay for Medicare costs.

These plans typically have a network, but you may have to enroll in Part D since these do not typically cover prescription drugs.


SNPs are split into Institutional (I-SNP), Dual Eligible (D-SNP), and Chronic Condition (C-SNP). These are for those who are in dire economic and/or health situations. Every SNP covers prescriptions.

These plans:

  • Restrict coverage to a network
  • Require choosing a primary care physician
  • Require specialist referrals


These plans allow members to have costs determined ahead of time. This prevents any uncertainty about coverage. Many cover prescriptions as well.

These plans:

  • Cover out-of-network treatment at higher costs
  • Have no requirements for primary care physician selection
  • Don’t require specialist referrals

Mr. Medicare is
YOUR Advantage!

I’ve got the Medicare Advantage plan for you! I’m Mr. Health Insurance AND Mr. Medicare, and I’ve been providing my services since 1989. My services are the result of industry knowledge, compassion, clientele satisfaction, and powerful testimonies. I’ll get you the most coverage for the lowest price. 

For more information about Medicare Advantage plans available in Arkansas, reach out to me today!

Give me a call or text today at 501-703-0488 or visit any of my locations by appointment only!